Mother's Day (Sunday, May 9) is THE DAY that Mom should NOT be in the kitchen! Woodcliff is offering two exciting options to celebrate all your special Moms!
Grand Brunch at Horizons Restaurant 10:30 AM - 2:00 pm with the usual aray of sumptuous breakfast and lunch fare, the Grand Brunch will also include extra roast selections, chilled seafood, a scrumptious Chocolate Fountain and solo piano by Bill Slater.
Adults $39 - Children 12 and under $20.50
Adults $39 - Children 12 and under $20.50
Bountiful Brunch at the Ballroom. Catering to families, the Bountiful Brunch includes all the favorites you come to extect from the Sunday brunch offerings along with our distinctive"Children's Brunch". Adults $29 -- for those 7 years and under $8.00
Dinner at Horizons Restaurant will offer a special Table D'Hote four course menu which will
include soup, salad, entree, dessert coffe or tea.
For reservations call: 585.248.4825.